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Save the flexing for the beach! |
Sure, there will always be people who don’t seem to follow the written or unwritten rules when it comes to life. They're special. The rules we follow don't apply to them. Weather it's cutting you off in traffic, cheating in school, or exercising in a public place such as a gym or health and fitness center, some people have such a high opinion of themselves that they think common rules do not include them. If this is you, I have some sobering news. Nobody died and made you special. Repeat. Nobody. So in case you need a reminder, or you seriously don't understand basic public behavior when working out at the gym, here are a few rules to follow. Your fellow gym members will thank you.
Put your weights away
Rack your weights or plates when you’re done with them. I don't like being the one who has to unload your weights off the bench press because you don’t have the decency to put them away yourself. In fact, that really pisses me off. Again, you're not special. Just selfish. So put your weights back where they belong.
Don't talk on your cell phone
Unless you are dialing 911 or handling a personal emergency, stay off the phone. Yacking with your BFF or planning this weekends BBQ with your buddies can be done elsewhere. Like in the the parking lot. Other people working out don't need to know the details of your personal life. You are not that special or interesting. Better yet, leave your phone in the locker. You’re not that important that you can’t take a break from your phone for long enough to train. Get over yourself, and leave the phone in your gym bag.
Wipe up your sweat
Clean up your sweat after using a machine or piece of equipment. Leaving your sweat for someone else to deal with is gross and inconsiderate. Bring a towel and wipe off the bench. No one needs to be play slip ‘n’ slide on the bench that you’ve just finished using. You know what to do. So just do it.
Don't lounge around on equipment
You've seen these people. They sit and lounge around on weight machines and take inordinately long ‘rests’ between sets and seem oblivious to the fact that people are waiting. I go to the gym to work out, so if you just want to talk go stand somewhere off to the side. Don’t sit on the equipment like you own it. It's not your Squat Rack. Finish your sets and move on. Then there's the people who show up at peak hour times to strut around, try to pick up girls, or show displays of dominance. You’re there to work out, not stroke your ego. Get in, get your lifting done, and get out. This goes double for women. It's a gym, not a fashion runway. People go there to work out. It's not mating season. Go to a bar if all you want to do is talk and flirt with guys. Either work out or leave. Pick one.
Wear appropriate attire
A little modesty goes a long way. Ladies, save the makeup and skin tights for a night out on the town. If you are there to strut your stuff in a meat market, go clubbing and get out of the way of people who are at the gym to work out. Oh, and save the perfume for someone you know who likes it. Chances are, we don't. And guys, put on a real shirt and step away from the mirror. Seriously, your ripped muscle shirt and gym dork pants make you look like a bafoon-ish cartoon character. And yes, people are laughing behind your back.
Stop Grunting
Need I say more?
Don’t use multiple pieces of equipment
Taking up multiple pieces of equipment during peak times, or while others are waiting to use them, is a serious jerk move. If the gym is totally quiet, it’s not a big deal, but come on, you know when you’re being selfish, and you know when others are waiting for the equipment! You know who you are. Stop doing it.
Don't block the weight rack
Another thing I hate is the idiots working out right in front of the dumbbell rack effectively blocking the dumbbells and not allowing people to walk by with weights as they are going to their benches. Step away from the mirror, Meathead.
Keep your music to yourself
Just because you like to rock out when lifting doesn't mean that everyone else does. People who blast the volume in their iPod or music players and might as well just buy a boombox. As a general rule, if you hold out the earphone at arms length and can hear it, you need to turn it down. Better yet, use ear buds. People who want music should be able to listen to their own chosen songs on their own headphones without blowing out an eardrum.Don't go to the gym if you are sick
Again, this one is basic. Stay home if you have a cold or flu.
Don't be a show off
No one cares how much you’re lifting, especially when you’re technique is terrible. It's better to lift lighter weights properly than throwing up heavy weights for show. No body cares that you used to bench 400 lbs in High School. You're an adult now. Act like one.
You're not my Coach
If I want advice, I will pay a trainer. So don’t offer unsolicited advice, and definitely don’t coach anyone who doesn’t ask for it first. You've seen these guys. Every gym has it’s own Mr Know-it-all, you know, the guy who tells everyone how it should be done. Often these guys aren’t even in the best of shape themselves, but man do they love to tell you what you should be doing. If this sounds like you then just stop. Save the advice, especially if it’s only to stroke your own ego.
Control Your Weights
If you finish your set and your dumbbells roll a foot away after you dropped them, you’re a jackass. It’s dangerous. It might bounce into someone’s ankle. Lighten the weight or learn to control them better.
Don’t make fun of people
Most people are in the gym to get fit, slim down, or improve a part of their body that they’re already self-conscious about. Most people who go to the gym are not bodybuilders. Everyone should feel like they belong there. Not just the people in shape. They don’t need you making it worse by judging, commenting, or snickering. In fact, I have more respect for the overweight person giving it their all, than the creatine gulping muscle head that is there just to show off. Keep your opinions to yourself.
One Last Thing...
Throw your chewed bubble gum in the trash!
The views expressed on this site are my opinions and should not be taken as a substitute for qualified medical expertise. I am not a Doctor. I do not give medical advice or make claims to cure any sickness, disease or affliction. I simply share my understanding of health and fitness. Please consult your Doctor or Health Care Practitioner before starting any diet or fitness routine.
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